Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

  • Mohácsi Máté


Since the end of 2013, the Court adopted several important judgments related to various fields of the Convention. This paper intends to highlight some of them, with subject matters embracing, among others, the responsibility and immunity of States, the protection of children against sexual abuses, the treatment of people suffering from psychological disorder, the application of the ‘equivalent protection’ criterion to the United Nations and certain Convention issues concerning European Parliament mandate renouncement. In the 2014 Holocaust Memorial Year, two judgments are of specific relevance: one considering the similarities and differences between the holocaust and the tragic Armenian events around 1915 and another related to the so-called 1942 “death match” in Kyiv. Ukraine’s most recent inter-State application against Russia and the interim measure granted by the Court in that case also deserves special attention.


Strasbourg Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága

Hogyan kell idézni

Mohácsi, M. (2014). Alapjogi jogesetek – a strasbourgi Emberi Jogok Európai Bírósága. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 2(1), 163–179. Elérés forrás


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