A zsidó vallásúak, származásúak emberi jogainak, emberi méltóságának megsemmisítése a holokauszt idején (1933–1945)
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The National Socialist German Workers’ Party came into power on January 30, 1933 and by the autumn of 1939 they had sacked the Jews and deprived them of their human rights and dignity. After the outbreak of the Second World War the Nazis pursued the complete annihilation of the Jews in German occupied territories. In Hungary, which was an ally of the German Empire, anti-Semitic views started to gain ground after the First World War. From the spring of 1938 the restriction of citizen and human rights of the Jews, the deprivation of Jewish personal and community property gradually became prevalent. Following the German occupation of Hungary (March 19, 1944) Jews were totally deprived of their rights and property, they were transferred to ghettos and finally deported. As a consequence, Jews in the countryside were almost completely annihilated, while some of the Jews in Budapest, deprived of their human rights and property, survived the far-right terror.