Jogi és pedagógiai védelem a modernkori rabszolgaság ellen Magyarországon

  • Gyurácz Veronika


The fight against contemporary slavery is part of the international protection of human rights. The academic society can contribute to it by supporting the research aiming at the understanding of the extension of contemporary slavery and enhancing the unification of our knowledge about these series of human rights violations. As this paper emphasizes, it is still an unresolved obligation, as the international human rights treaties and the scientific communis opinion understand contemporary slavery differently not agreeing what practices should be understood under this term.

Hungary is also concerned with contemporary slavery. According to the Global Slavery Index published in 2014, 36 000 people are the victims of human trafficking, contract slavery, sexual exploitation, and domestic servitude. The aim of this paper is to analyse the Hungarian legal instruments and the currently accessible system of protection in Hungary for the victims of contemporary slavery. According to the author, legal protection can be completed with pedagogical discussion. Therefore, the pedagogical guidebook about contemporary slavery published by Anthropolis Anthropological Public Benefit Association in 2015 provides the opportunity to analyse the benefits and the risks of the introduction of contemporary slavery to the legal education of children. Nevertheless, the paper claims that the fight against contemporary slavery can be successful in Hungary only if the currently existing anomalies (limited financial support, lack of anonymity of victims, corruption) are eliminated and the international law will understand the threats of contemporary slavery unanimously.


contemporary slavery protection of human rights

Hogyan kell idézni

Gyurácz, V. (2016). Jogi és pedagógiai védelem a modernkori rabszolgaság ellen Magyarországon. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 4(2), 75–94. Elérés forrás


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