Az Állami Számvevőszék hozzájárulása a minőségi jogalkotáshoz

  • Mészáros Leila
  • Nagy Imre
  • Domokos László
  • Posta Gabriella
  • Gergely Szabolcs
  • Fülöp Ibolya


High quality legislation is one of the hallmarks of good governance. In case of good quality legislation the following requirements are met: protection of the rule of law and of the democratic principles, unambiguity, coherence, justice, proportionality and efficiency. These requirements are fulfilled with higher probability, if the legislator can lean not only on its own experience, but on the opinion and recommendations of institutes that possess extensive expertise in the fields of legal norms and implementation of rights. The State Audit Office of Hungary, as a means of supporting good governance, during its work of auditing forms an opinion on legislation and public controlling mechanisms and hands it over to the legislator. In the past few years the State Audit Office has explored the possibilities, methods and means by which it can support legislation in its different phases.


State Audit Office legislation

Hogyan kell idézni

Mészáros, L., Nagy, I., Domokos, L., Posta, G., Gergely, S., & Fülöp, I. (2016). Az Állami Számvevőszék hozzájárulása a minőségi jogalkotáshoz. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 4(2), 27–52. Elérés forrás


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