A köztársaság ellenzéke: Slachta Margit érvelése a Nemzetgyűlésben az 1946. évi I. törvénycikk kapcsán

  • M. Balázs Ágnes


The 70th jubilee of the adoption and promulgation of the Act 1 of 1946 was in the beginning of the last year. The above mentioned law changed Hungary from monarchy to a republic. The law had been adopted in a short period of time after it was filed. Merely one representative argued against the proposal during the dispute in the National Assembly. This representative was Margit Slachta. In this paper, we analyze her arguments in the context of her biography, with special regard to her role in social work, in politics and public life.


köztársaság Slachta Margit Nemzetgyűlés

Hogyan kell idézni

M. Balázs , Ágnes. (2017). A köztársaság ellenzéke: Slachta Margit érvelése a Nemzetgyűlésben az 1946. évi I. törvénycikk kapcsán. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 5(1), 39–50. Elérés forrás https://folyoirat.ludovika.hu/index.php/actahumana/article/view/2255


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