Violation of Humanitarian Law and Infringement of Human Rights in the Last “Colony” of Africa

  • Harkai István
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2015.1.7


On the surface, Western Sahara is one of the most uninteresting regions of Africa, but anyone interested in international law, can easily find many exciting issues to explore. After a brief historical review, the author will try to examine the abuse of human rights and, the infringement of international humanitarian law which were committed by the parties during the fight for freedom of the Sahrawi people. The essay also analyses the circumstances of the refugees.


Western Sahara Sahrawis Polisario humanitarian law human rights status of refugees

How to Cite

Harkai, I. (2015) “Violation of Humanitarian Law and Infringement of Human Rights in the Last ‘Colony’ of Africa”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 14(1), pp. 79–90. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2015.1.7.


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