Smart Military Electrical Grids

Global Challenges of Energy

  • Végvári Zsolt
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2018.1.6


Today’s society is increasingly dependent on electricity and the armed forces also face this problem. In this regards the issue of providing electricity in field conditions when power lines are not available is extremely interesting. The technology of the generators used in the fields has developed only at a minimal level over the past half century while the demand for electricity has multiplied. Logistics becomes more and more difficult and fuel caravans are one of the most vulnerable parts of military actions. Smart grid technologies based on RES2 are no longer a novelty for civil engineering. How are these used in military environments and what are the limits of their application? These are the questions I would like to find some answers to.


smart grids hybrid power supply field power supply

How to Cite

Végvári, Z. (2018) “Smart Military Electrical Grids: Global Challenges of Energy”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 17(1), pp. 53–70. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2018.1.6.


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