Life Sentence Without the Possibility of Parole. “We Do not Allow Them to Live, We Do not Let Them Die”

  • Ruzsonyi Péter
doi: 10.32565/aarms.2018.2.8


In the first part of our study (Serial Killers on the Other Side of the Bars: “Bestial Humans—Human Beasts”) we focused on the crimes committed by serial murderers, identified alternatives of classification and analysed their behavior within the prison walls. In the upcoming part, we will investigate international and domestic experiences related to the use of life without parole; review the way of life of those who have been sentenced to “life until death”; examine the punishment’s mechanics and impact and finally conduct an analysis of the present form of the notion “not allowing them to live, not letting them die”. The basis for this inquiry is the fact that currently, 67% of the serial killers serve a sentence of life without parole. [In Hungary, the practice of sentencing convicts to life without parole is regulated by the Criminal Code. In its principle, this form of punishment means that those who receive this sentence will never be released on parole (42. §). Article 46/A‒B of the Prison Code; however, it also introduces a mandatory clemency procedure for those who are serving a life sentence without parole. This procedure may be initiated after 40 years served.] Furthermore, we also endeavour to collect the characteristics of this sanction, evaluate related professional opinions and put forth a suggestion for an amendment, as well.


serial killers life without parole international practices time as a dimension criminal-pedagogy

How to Cite

Ruzsonyi, P. (2018) “Life Sentence Without the Possibility of Parole. ‘We Do not Allow Them to Live, We Do not Let Them Die’”, AARMS – Academic and Applied Research in Military and Public Management Science. Budapest, 17(2), pp. 111–126. doi: 10.32565/aarms.2018.2.8.


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