On Land, on Water, in the Air – Without a Pilot, or Do Robots Help or Hurt?

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.2.18


Robotics has been a dynamically evolving field since the first autonomous devices appeared, and has developed significantly over the past decades. The term ‘robotics’ originated in science fiction literature and has been used to describe robotic tools for industrial applications, medical
technology and weaponry in increasingly sophisticated forms. In this overview, we will examine the field of robotics from its roots in literature to its development for increasingly efficient and safer use today. In this publication, the authors show what tasks and in what areas our robotic structures can perform. Some examples will show what they can do and when they are the most dangerous.


Robot drone artificial intelligence ethics morality laws of Asimov

How to Cite

G. Major and B. Békési, “On Land, on Water, in the Air – Without a Pilot, or Do Robots Help or Hurt?”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 169–175, Jun. 2024.


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