Possibilities and Experiences of Eddy Current Testing of Military Aircraft Components

doi: 10.32560/rk.2020.2.1


To date, several high-tech military equipment (JAS-39 EBS HU Gripen combat aircraft, Airbus A319 transport aircraft, Eurocopter H145M helicopter variants) have been deployed in the Hungarian Defence Forces. With their deployment, a need has emerged to apply modern operating and diagnostic systems, one of them being non destructive testing (NDT). One of the many key factors of applying  successful non-destructive testing is the level of competence of the personnel involved. This publication is about to describe the applicability and characteristics, as well as the experience gained while applying an eddy current testing method with high spatial resolution used during the operation of military aircraft. 


eddy current non-destructive material testing, aircraft operation, combat aircraft, transport aircraft, helicop-ter,

How to Cite

L. Kavas and J. Bozóki, “Possibilities and Experiences of Eddy Current Testing of Military Aircraft Components”, RepTudKoz, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 5–18, Mar. 2021.


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