The Bumpy Road of our Drone-Mountable Radiology Module Development

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.2.7


In a previous article, we talked about the development of a drone-mounted sensor module for airborne radiological detection under the TKP tender. In this article, we would like to give a non-exhaustive picture of where we are in the development process after the theoretical research, what we have accomplished and what is still needed to bring the resultant product to the table. Since the previous article already contains the theoretical background to the research
and this article is a continuation of it, we will omit the otherwise important literature review and detailed introduction to the topic, i.e. we will present the situation of the practical stage of our development “in medias res”.


airborne radiological reconnaissance radio sensor module radiological survey

How to Cite

J. Csurgai, L. Szilvássy, and K. Jámbor, “The Bumpy Road of our Drone-Mountable Radiology Module Development”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 67–77, Jun. 2024.


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