Design, Development and Use of a Multicopter Drone

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.2.1


Nowadays there is an increasing need for versatile drones with different capabilities for both civil and military purposes. There is also significant interest in developing novel drones capable of autonomous surveillance and mission accomplishment in different environments and locations. Over the past decade, the wide range of applications for these drones has received the most
attention, leading to the invention of different types of drones of different sizes and weights. Due to the similarity in requirements and the nature of the missions, the applications of UASs are assessed according to the following categories: inspection, survey and mapping; agricultural and environmental research; search and rescue (SAR) missions; delivery of mail and other goods; military missions; maritime and underwater missions; space missions and other applications.


UAV UAS sensor multicopter drone artificial intelligence precision agriculture

How to Cite

K. Hajnal, F. R. Hegyi, and B. Békési, “Design, Development and Use of a Multicopter Drone”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 11–21, Jun. 2024.


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