Digitisation of Geophysical Well-Logs for Hydrodynamic Modelling
Copyright (c) 2024 Buday Tamás, Kyrillos Samir Ghattas

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
When building detailed geological and hydrodynamic models, it may be necessary to have an accurate knowledge of well-log geophysics beyond the lithology column, which identifies the relevant petrophysical features and fractures. Paper logs have traditionally been used for decades to record measurements, but modern computer software requires digital data sets. For this reason, it is necessary to digitize paper well data, which can be done using specialized geological or geophysical software or image analysis software. However, the obtained results may depend on the method chosen, so their analysis is necessary.
In this research, this procedure is presented based on the paper-based well-log curves of a Tiszacsege B-119 borehole, with the conversion of the information-rich log into digital format. Based on the results, the digitizing or controlling work of the geologist or geophysical expert cannot be shortened beyond the expected accuracy, mainly because of inaccurately drawn curves, the elimination of distortions during scanning, the presence of overlapping curves and scale changes. The results from converting the information-rich logs into digital format allow for more efficient storage and reuse of the huge amount of paper-archived well log data for geological, hydrogeological, geothermal, hydrocarbon modelling.
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