Type Specification Issues of Drones Being Used at Airport Operations

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.2.15


The increasing use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) has also raised the possibility of the use of so-called work drones at airports to support „in-house” operations. These drone applications can be used primarily for weather forecasting at airports and their surroundings, inspection of the manoeuvring area, airport security, airside transport and other purposes. To perform these tasks, drones are equipped with various sensors that can be used to obtain a wide range of data such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, atmospheric characteristics, imagery etc. From a technical point of view, UAS can be either remotely piloted (RPAS) or fully autonomous systems, and can be characterised by different levels of risk in an airport environment from a safety point of view. In this article, we will explore the potential of these sub-applications, taking into account and in line with the current EU standards for drones.


Unmanned Aircraft System – UAS work-drone drone application meteorological sensor Remote Piloted Aircraft System – RPAS Flight Safety European Union – EU

How to Cite

S. Simon, T. Vas, and Z. Dudás, “Type Specification Issues of Drones Being Used at Airport Operations”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 133–143, Jun. 2024.


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