The Effect of Packaging and Storage Conditions on the Organoleptic Characteristics of Dried Sea Buckthorn Fruit

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.2.2


The organoleptic characteristics of dried sea buckthorn berries were investigated under laboratory conditions. The dried products were placed in polyethylene packaging immediately after the dehydration operation and stored in a refrigerator (5 °C) and in a room without air control (20−24 °C) for 4 months. During the storage period, the dried products stored under different conditions were subjected to sensory tests every month. Based on the judgment of the panels involved in the sensory test, the freeze-dried sea buckthorn became sticky and slightly moistened already after the first month, both at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Among the hybrid
drying solutions, sea buckthorn dried with combined methods is can be powdered, crispy and dry during the entire storage period – both at room temperature and in refrigeration equipment – but the external appearance is not always appropriate. Among the drying processes, vacuum pre- and freeze finish-drying are recommended dehydration solutions in terms of the storage and sensory
properties of the tested products. In addition, we found that the storage condition at room temperature is suitable for the storage of the tested product based on the sensory properties.


sea buckthorn freeze drying combined drying polyethylene packaging storage sensory characteristics

How to Cite

T. Antal and J. Nagy, “The Effect of Packaging and Storage Conditions on the Organoleptic Characteristics of Dried Sea Buckthorn Fruit”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 23–29, Jun. 2024.


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