Use of drones in modern military conflicts

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.1.9


Drone technology is present at most part of our everyday life and makes the research area of many disciplines such as logistics, politics, ethics, law and so on. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, which have been already present in the early 2000s in Afghanistan, fill an important part in modern military operation as well. With the headway of electronics, cyberspace and other autonomous systems UAVs presence caused revolutionary changes in the modern operational areas. I made two case studies to represent the differences and similarities of use of Unmanned Aerial Systems in today’s military conflicts. Do drones guarantee supremacy in modern warfare? My aim was to answer this question by analysing the nature and use of drones during the last centuries conflicts that


Ukraine Russia Armenia Azerbaija Nagorno-Karabakh Unmanned Aerial Systems UAV UCAV

How to Cite

B. Kiss and M. Palik, “Use of drones in modern military conflicts”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 115–130, Nov. 2023.


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