Bombs on Berlin, 7– 8 June, 1940

The Circumstances of This Daring Action

doi: 10.32560/rk.2023.1.10


In this article I would like to introduce the first allied bombing against the capital of the Third Reich, Berlin in early June 1940 by a French Navy Aviation unit. Beside the chronological description of the bombing operation, I will show the type and the characteristics of the bomber that has been transformed from a civilian version with a long range and finally the history (fate) of the combat versions.


Worl War II Air Force Bombing France Air Defence

How to Cite

C. Dikácz, “Bombs on Berlin, 7– 8 June, 1940: The Circumstances of This Daring Action”, RepTudKoz, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 131–139, Nov. 2023.


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