The Military Applicability Assessment of the Location-Independent TWR Control Based on the Experiences Gained Through Related SESAR Project

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.2.8


During the civilian implementation of location-independent
aerodrome control (remote tower, rTWR), the users basically strive for cost efficiency and performance growth as a result of the digitization and integration of various airport functions. However, these efforts are given a lower priority in the techniques that examine the rTWR technology from military applicability POV, and focus on the evaluation of prognosticated effectiveness in operational conditions while placing the fiscal aspects in the background.


air traffic control remote tower control location-independent tower control SESAR

How to Cite

G. Horváth, “The Military Applicability Assessment of the Location-Independent TWR Control Based on the Experiences Gained Through Related SESAR Project”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 95–106, Mar. 2023.


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