Changing of Security Challenges on Airbases during History

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.2.7


The development of airports and air bases coincides with the beginning of aviation, even if at the early days they were just makeshift airstrips. Airplanes extend warfare into the third dimension by dominating the airspace, but they are indispensably dependent on the operation of sanctuaries on the ground. The security of the air bases is thus unquestionable, but it is also important to ask how their importance has changed over time and how the security of these facilities has evolved with advances in technology, abilities and principles.


aviation history airbase air base threats defence security

How to Cite

J. P. Táborszky, “Changing of Security Challenges on Airbases during History”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 83–93, Mar. 2023.


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