The Strategic Significance of the New Polish Central Airport and Transport Hub

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.1.11


Poland is constructing a new airport near Warsaw, which, as a new hub of road and rail transport will be available  quickly from the whole country. The construction of the airport and the development of transport as well as a new  urban area are dealt in unity by the Polish government.  Besides, reviewing the project, the paper surveys the critics  formulated with a scientific pretension and alternative  ideas, and then it gives an analysis of geographic and  market opportunities of Polish airports and the Polish  airlines. Covid–19 crisis and sanctions linked to Russia have  challenged the Polish economy and air transport. The large- scale developments may contribute to the economic emergence of Poland after the crises, opening new  perspectives for the air transport. A project of such a  volume carries substantial risks too. Regarding feasibility, serious financial limits may appear. Economic return in a narrow sense is questionable, at the same time the development may contribute the strategic repositioning of Poland and the Polish airlines. 


Poland airport high speed train transport hub

How to Cite

B. Szilágyi, “The Strategic Significance of the New Polish Central Airport and Transport Hub”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 181–193, Nov. 2022.


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