The Importance of “Populated Area” and the Connected Terminologies in the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.1.10


Users of the unmanned aircraft systems envisage significant problems by the implementation of the EU  regulations effective from the beginning of 2019 in  Hungary. The Hungarian rules complement the EU  regulation (947/2019) and they limit the use of unmanned  aircraft vehicles over populated areas. The Hungarian  Aviation Law obligate the users to apply for segregated airspace if the UAS operation affects a populated area, but the definition of populated area is completely missing from the regulations, moreover, there is no indication for the  differences between sparsely of densely populated areas. 


unmanned aircraft systems drone law populated areas

How to Cite

Z. Sándor and M. Pusztai, “The Importance of ‘Populated Area’ and the Connected Terminologies in the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 165–179, Nov. 2022.


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