Certification of Software Tools Used in Development

doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.2.2


In many cases, it is useful or necessary to use tools to develop software. These tools are specialised software tools in 98% of cases. A software tool is a special program that is used to develop, test, or generate data for or produce documentation, for another program. These are used throughout the whole life cycle, consequently they play a significant role in the quality and qualification of the completed system. These have been present in aviation since the 1980s, and their use has exploded in recent years. This applies not only to on-board systems, but also all areas that have safety requirements. If you want to use a software tool in safety-critical development, you must also have the appropriate certification of these tools.


software development software tools software tool certification

How to Cite

G. Schuster, “Certification of Software Tools Used in Development”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 19–28, Mar. 2023.


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