Possibilities for Unmanned Aircraft to Cooperate with Ground Forces in Certain Military Operations

  • Major Gábor
  • Tóth Zoltán
doi: 10.32560/rk.2022.1.4


The tools and systems created by science, technology and industry are making many aspects of life easier, more efficient and safer. While military operations are not normally considered to be a calm, safe task or mission, technological advances have brought this segment into the realm of areas where it is possible to “fight safely”. In the following publication, the authors show how classical land military operations can be made more “survivable” by supporting the “knowledge and capability” of unmanned serial vehicles. These military UAVs can support soldiers fighting on land (and even on water), increasing their survivability and combat effectiveness. The aim of the authors with this study is to provide the reader an idea of the diversity of unmanned aerial vehicles that can be deployed in a land combat mission, supporting it and contributing to the success of the mission, by looking at some of the world’s armies, what are they armed with. 


UAV UAS UCAV Unmanned Aerial Systems drone combat battle weapon military operations

How to Cite

G. Major and Z. . Tóth, “Possibilities for Unmanned Aircraft to Cooperate with Ground Forces in Certain Military Operations”, RepTudKoz, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 61–75, Nov. 2022.


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