Application of Meteorological Sensors in General Aviation

doi: 10.32560/rk.2020.3.7


The size and energy requirements of some meteorological sensors have now been reduced to such an extent that they  can be carried without difficulty by participants in  small aircraft. Motorised and gliding aircraft, paragliders, kites, hot air balloons, and even drones can be active  participants in meteorological data collection by sending  up-to-date information (wind, temperature, humidity data)  about the routes they take to meteorological services. In  this article we review the possible technical solutions and  present the results of our joint experiments with the research group UPS UAS ENVIRON.


flight meteorology sensors General Aviation

How to Cite

I. Makkay, S. Takács, and P. Willand, “Application of Meteorological Sensors in General Aviation”, RepTudKoz, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 83–91, May 2021.


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