Experiences of Pilot’s Coordination and Conditional Examinations

  • Dunai Pál


The military aircraft department in the National University of Public Service took part in the application of research, "Critical Infrastructure Protection Research" section. Under the sub-program called "Data Integration" in the "Unmanned aerial vehicles of the application of the human aspect of the examination" as a priority research area bearing the name of research project took place. The basis for the practical part of the research were medical diagnostic and performance diagnostic testing methods. This kind of study was carried out for the first time under the department of scientific research work. This article describes the methodological foundations of the analytical studies, research results and the results obtained from measurements of the conclusions resulting from the statistical analysis.


conditional examination coordinational examination protection research

How to Cite

P. Dunai, “ Experiences of Pilot’s Coordination and Conditional Examinations”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 521–538, Aug. 2014.


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