Real-Time Multilateration - WAMLAT Demo

  • Szüllő Ádám
  • Seller Rudolf


The presented passive radar system is capable of detecting and tracking each aircraft in real time, which has on-board transponder, using multilateration technique. The radar system uses the signaling of the secondary surveillance radar to determine the position of the aircraft without disturbing its normal operation. The radar system is designed to cover large areas (WAMLAT–Wide Area Multilateration). The multilateration principle is based on accurate time measurement, the synchronization is provided by a subsystem based on GPS receiving, with success. Real-time processing allows live data to be shown on webpage. The main design considerations were flexibility and scalability. 


Real-Time Multilateration WAMLAT Demo aircraft tracking

How to Cite

Ádám Szüllő and R. Seller, “ Real-Time Multilateration - WAMLAT Demo”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 478–488, Aug. 2014.


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