Incremental Development and Test in Case of Safety Critical Systems

  • Schuster György
  • Terpecz Gábor


Summary: software is critical success factor therefore it is inevitable to apply in almost each device. This scale is very large from doorbell via bicycle lamp, vehicle board systems to atomic power plants. Unfortunately our experience shows that customers – except for a few – are unable to specify their problem in every detail. This leads to the result that dominant part of delivered programmes later need modifications or some of them are not used. The number of delivered and not modified software is small. That is the reason why the increment development model is considered as the basic model even if safety critical systems.


safety critical systems incremental development software

How to Cite

G. Schuster and G. Terpecz, “Incremental Development and Test in Case of Safety Critical Systems”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 467–473, Aug. 2014.


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