Basics of Mathematical Model of Air Traffic Departure Procedures Evaluation

  • Fehér Balázs
  • Bakó András


The objectives of my research  are the „self-developing” algorithms and their usage for optimizing instrument procedures. Therefore we generate a sufficient number of procedures and we change the parameters by different objectives (respecting the basic fundamentals e.g. obstacle clearance). In this paper, I will present (on the basis of my former research) the possible evaluation methods of given procedures. Besides that, I will give a short overview of the further research opportunities in this application.


self-developing algorithms Mathematical Model Of Air Traffic Departure Procedures Evaluation optimizing

How to Cite

B. Fehér and A. Bakó, “ Basics of Mathematical Model of Air Traffic Departure Procedures Evaluation”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 400–412, Aug. 2014.


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