What Happened near Moscow on March 27, 1968? Why Did not the Crew of the MiG-15 UTI Eject? The First Cosmonaut of the World Would Be 80 Years Old Now...

  • Szaniszló Zsolt


Close to a quarter of a century passed since in my 13th year as the guest of a pioneer-camp I got a chance to visit the monument near village Kirzach, where the first cosmonaut of the world had lost his life with his fellow pilot. I could not suspect on that day, that fate can lead my life into the direction of flying activity. During the reexamining process of my collected source-materials about the aircraft catastrophe I noticed an important fact, the so called „final solution”, the lag for ejection from the crew’s part. Now the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri A. Gagarin, the examination of this question becomes timely again…


aircraft catastrophe ejection Moscow

How to Cite

Z. Szaniszló, “ 1968? Why Did not the Crew of the MiG-15 UTI Eject? The First Cosmonaut of the World Would Be 80 Years Old Now..”., RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 331–350, Aug. 2014.


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