The Home Legal Background Of The Joint (Public – Military) Service Of The Military Aerodormes

  • Csengeri János


The utilization level of the home military aerodromes are low. The personnel and the equipment shall be ready in 24 hours handling the local military traffic as if they should serve extra movements. The military aerodromes’ - that are functioning currently - range and main infrastructural elements are compatible for civil air traffic and the establishing of new facilities are also possible. In the present economic environment and in sync with the government’s job creating agenda, the economic potential in air traffic must be taken.


military aerodromes legal background utilization

How to Cite

J. Csengeri, “ The Home Legal Background Of The Joint (Public – Military) Service Of The Military Aerodormes”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 161–170, Aug. 2014.


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