Correlations of Quality and Safety of Flying

  • Vonnák Iván Péter


In this article, the author describes both the general and the aeroplane manufacturing, repairing operation and maintenance specialized principles of quality management, in order to demonstrate the obvious, but so far undiscovered similarities and correlations between the two approaches. The article will reveal, that the requirements of ISO standards are not solely linked to quality management, as definitions used in ISO - sometimes with different wording -,are also available within the requirements of aeroplane manufacturing and operating, repairing and they have undisputed role in the development of operating startegies. Therefore we can say, that the requirements of ISO standards had been already used in the world of aviation before the creation of ISO. It's well known, that the main target of flight operation is to reach extraordinary flight safety, while on the other hand to maintain the cost base optimized in order to reach buyer satisfaction. In case we accept this thesis, it should be admitted, that the safety of flying is also the quality assurance of flying, so it is quality engineering.


safety of flying ISO quality management

How to Cite

I. P. Vonnák, “ Correlations of Quality and Safety of Flying”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 63–67, Aug. 2014.


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