Regulation of TKT-1 Turbojet Engine with TPR-Based Control System

  • Leposa Norbert Krisztián
  • Beneda Károly Tamás


Proper control of jet engine gas turbines has grown an indispensable requirement of our age while development purposes often mean the amelioration of control systems. Old hydro-mechanical units have almost completely been substituted by electronic control in order to achieve precise engine guidance, therefore increasing lifetime, reliability and improving a vague number of other parameters. In this thesis control was set up using the latest control rule, called Turbofan Power Ratio (TPR), which represents the present level of technology. However this control law is yet to be used in industry only in order to generate a correction signal to the gas turbine control, having an error detection function as well which increases safety in case of serious mechanical damages, TPR control law is capable of being the core of an independent control system. Developing a TPR-based FADEC system for the TKT-1 turbojet engine was the original purpose of this research.


turbojet engine TPR-based control system TKT-1

How to Cite

N. K. Leposa and K. T. Beneda, “ Regulation of TKT-1 Turbojet Engine with TPR-Based Control System”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 43–62, Aug. 2014.


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