The Present and Future of the Stocks of the Engines’ Components

  • Kavas László
  • Békési László
  • Rozovicsné Fehér Krisztina


A new structural material, which is known composite around the world, has made the development of aircraft airframes possible. Its strength and density features, which are more favourable than the traditional steel or „dural” building materials, guarantee the manufacturability of the structural parts of the modern aircraft. However, what about the specialty of jet engines? In this article the results regarding the developments of the international materials technology are introduced, through which, with the application of composire materials, improvement in engine manufacturing may follow.


stocks of the engines' components developments of the international materials technology jet engines

How to Cite

L. Kavas, L. Békési, and K. Rozovicsné Fehér, “ The Present and Future of the Stocks of the Engines’ Components”, RepTudKoz, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 25–34, Aug. 2014.


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