Aeromechanical Modeling

  • Gáti Balázs
  • Gausz Tamás
  • Jankovics István


With the development of modern control engineering, modelling of traditional and unmanned air vehicles has an increasingly important role. The equation of motion is written in the body coordinate system of a vehicle is based on conversation of momentum and angular momentum. Motion of airplanes and rotorcrafts is defined by aerodynamic, inertia, elastic forces and moments. For the determination of these forces, multi surface model was introduced and aerodynamic coefficients for wide range of angle of attack were calculated. Effects of propeller were deeply modelled because of its high importance. Several hours of flight tests were performed with UAVs to compare the reality with the developed model.


flight mechanics propeller aerodynamic model stall UAV

How to Cite

B. Gáti, T. Gausz, and I. Jankovics, “Aeromechanical Modeling”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 300–324, Dec. 2015.


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