First Ten Years of TKT-1 Small Scale Gas Turbine Engine for Educational and Research Purposes

  • Pásztor Endre
  • Beneda Károly Tamás


In 2005, at the former Department of Aircraft and Ships of BME a monumental development work has begun, which had the goal to establish a small scale turbojet engine for both educational and research purposes. The initial investigations and reconstruction of a free shaft gas turbine have consumed more than two years, until the test bench has been created and the first operational tests have been conducted. The equipment has been developed in many aspects further, the involvement of students is quite broad ranging from electable subjects as well as BSc and Master Theses, so the students have the possibility to gather practical knowledge of aircraft gas turbine engines. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the process of reconstruction, the results of operation in the mirror of the past ten years.


gas turbine engine gas turbine test bench Full Authority Digital Electronic Control variable convergent nozzle data acquisition system

How to Cite

E. Pásztor and K. T. Beneda, “First Ten Years of TKT-1 Small Scale Gas Turbine Engine for Educational and Research Purposes”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 117–132, Dec. 2015.


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