UAV Type Certification Experiences

  • Szabolcsi Róbert


Nowadays the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have more and more extensive applications both in governmental and non-governmental missions. Their former title of applications in D3 (Dirty–Dull–Dangerous) missions have turned to the reality, whether it is confirmed, or not. The purpose of the author is to evaluate experiences of the UAV type worthiness certifications both in international and national relations. Fort the international relations one of the military and non-military representative legal systems will be highlighted and evaluated. The non-military legal system being evaluated is the FAA regulations, which are accessible for those ready to apply them. After review of the international regulations author will formulate his proposals for the Hungarian national regulations in the field of UAV certification procedures.


UAV UAS UAV/UAS type worthiness certification NATO EASA US DoT FAA

How to Cite

R. Szabolcsi, “UAV Type Certification Experiences”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 97–104, Dec. 2015.


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