Modular Sensitivity Analysis of Reliability of Systems with Copmlex Interconnections

  • Pokorádi László


In our age, investigations of Systems with Complex Interconnections or Complex Systems are important parts of several fields of technical and social sciences. One of the most important questions is the reliability and sensitivity of reliability of these systems. The main goal of author’s work is to adapt mathematical diagnostic methodology of airframe systems and gas turbine engines to investigate sensitivity of reliability of finite Systems with Complex Interconnections. The paper shows the proposed method theoretically and its applicability to investigate Systems with Complex Interconnections sensitivity by a simple example.


Systems with Complex Interconnections sensitivity analysis diagnostics

How to Cite

L. Pokorádi, “Modular Sensitivity Analysis of Reliability of Systems with Copmlex Interconnections”, RepTudKoz, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 81–89, Apr. 2015.


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