Military Cooperation and Expansion in the Arctic


I would like to continue my research concerning the Arctic by choosing a subtopic, which is underrepresented due to the exploitation of economic interests and natural gas and petroleum reserves. In this study, two independently analysed themes were chosen: one of which is the two parts of the coast guards of the region's cooperation, the other is the Russian military expansion in the region. The question arises: how are these issues connected? The classic answer is that everything is connected, however, if we analyse the strategies of the countries in the region issued, then the answer is not so simple. The protection of national sovereignty and the realization of the economic interests requires some degree of appearance of military force in the Arctic region.


Coast Guard Arctic Russia Canada Norway Denmark

How to Cite

A. Márton, “Military Cooperation and Expansion in the Arctic”, RepTudKoz, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 123–132, Aug. 2016.


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