Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Maintenance Process


The operation of a technical system is a stochastic process based upon the equipment, its maintenance, its preparation, and also the personnel carrying out repair, and the regulations for the whole process. From the mathematical point of view, maintenance of manufacturing equipment is a discrete state space stochastic process without after-effects, so it can be modeled as a Markov-chain. After determination of probability densities of changes of operational states and setting up the transition probability matrix, a matrix-algebraic method can be used for investigating these processes with systems approach analysis. This paper is aimed to discuss the possibilities of the use of simulation-based sensitivity analysis of maintenance systems and processes. The proposed method can help decision making in maintenance management.


maintenance availability stochastic modeling Markov-process sensitivity analysis

How to Cite

L. Pokorádi, “Simulation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Maintenance Process”, RepTudKoz, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 71–82, Aug. 2016.


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