Migration From Bird’s Eye View


Research and analysis related to migration, the historical review of its origin, the observation of its cause and its implication have been extremely popular issues since illegal migration has reached unrecognized dimensions in Hungary in 2015. We may hate the wandering „community”, we may be scared of it, it is up to your temper, there is only one thing we cannot do, ignoring it. There are several options for solution and for satisfactory management to take into account, which can spread from the complete separation to integration. The technical barrier protecting our country and the Schengen borders so-called the temporary border fence, had its first section built on the Hungarian-Croatian border line, measuring 4 meters height and 175 kms length. Camera systems, patrol roads, Smart Signal Systems and patrolling police and military forces are integral parts of this defense system. The authors of this publication introduce the migration airborne from the perspective of an UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).


Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems drone migration rural exodus/population shifts border barrier

How to Cite

M. Palik, G. Major, and B. Kiss, “ Migration From Bird’s Eye View”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 189–202, Dec. 2017.


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