The Connection Between Natural and Civilizational Source of Hazards With the Protection of the Population, the Role of UAVs in the Efficient Response


Information is power. In accordance with the globalizing world of the 21st century, the competing media circulate news without interruption. It is impossible to spend a day without seeing coverage about natural disasters, wars or other crises. Numerous attempts have been made to categorize disasters. Classical theory usually classifies them as natural or civilization catastrophes according to their origin. The occurrences of the latter, such as social catastrophes (war, terrorism, migration etc.) or industrial disasters receive more intensive media attention than those of natural hazards. The aim of this article is to demonstrate and provide with statistical details that the effects of natural disasters are more profound in terms of population protection as shown the media.


natural disasters industrial catastrophes social catastrophes event management air vehicles

How to Cite

S. Nagy, “The Connection Between Natural and Civilizational Source of Hazards With the Protection of the Population, the Role of UAVs in the Efficient Response”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 85–94, Dec. 2017.


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