Visibility and Fog Forecasting Method for Persistent Cold Air Pool Cases Based on Atmospheric Soundings Data at Liszt Ferenc International Airport

  • Wantuch Ferenc
  • Gáspár Nikolett


Sounding data and aeronautical METAR data were collected at the Liszt Ferenc International Airport. Physical parameters were calculated form sounding data, in case of fog and cold air pool situations. 10 years database was constructed based on physical parameters and visibility data between 2005 and 2015. The synoptical climatological description of these parameters was done. Visibility forecasting method was constructed based on analogical statistical method. For the implementation of visibility forecasting method, C programs were developed. The mentioned forecasting method was tested on the independent data of 2016 year. The verification gave god results to forecast visibility at the airport in foggy situations.


cold air pool sounding data inversion fog synoptical climatological description visibility forecasting analogical method

How to Cite

F. Wantuch and N. Gáspár, “Visibility and Fog Forecasting Method for Persistent Cold Air Pool Cases Based on Atmospheric Soundings Data at Liszt Ferenc International Airport”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 195–204, Apr. 2017.


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