Flight Safety Aspects of Physical Performance and Health Awareness


Military aviation is extremely demanding complex task requiring continous high level of physical performance, stamina and physical strength both in training and operational settings as well. These parameters have a close correlation with rapid activation of cardiovascular responses specially triggered by aeromedical stressors. Only optimal aerobic and anaerobic peak performance can provide the full capacity and ability to perform flight tasks during high accelerations (G-loads) and can maintain the proper activation of vegetative central nervous system at high altitude in hypoxic state. The general physical fitness is inevitably essential to the long term working capacity, reducing cardiovascular risk profile and supporting mental-spiritual concentration, stamina, self-confidence and motivation. This way it is a fundamental element of flight safety from the human component aspect.


physical performance aeromedical stressors accelerations hypoxia G tolerance hypoxia awareness and altitude adaptation sudden incapacitation and physical stamina

How to Cite

S. A. Szabó, “Flight Safety Aspects of Physical Performance and Health Awareness”, RepTudKoz, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 175–194, Apr. 2017.


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