Drone and UTM Market Forecast and Business Potential Overview

doi: 10.32560/rk.2019.1.4


The objective of this article to give a clear and complete picture about the whole drone segment including the so called unmanned aircraft system traffic management market as well. It is still a living statement, that drone manufacturing and technology developments are far ahead of the current state of the national and international regulatory and standardization environment. The article presents the global drone market trends focusing on manufacturers and taking into account the most relevant, demanding stakeholders and the utilization possibilities of these tools on an international scale. Based on the available information the aim is to outline a domestic related forecast. The goal of HungaroControl Pte. Ltd. Co is to concentrate and work proactively within the segment taking into account the European and Hungarian interests to build an all-around UTM service for the drone community.


UTM UAM UAV UAS U-Space Unmanned Aicraft Vehicle

How to Cite

S. G. Dobi, K. Horváth, and D. Rohács, “Drone and UTM Market Forecast and Business Potential Overview”, RepTudKoz, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 33–52, May 2019.


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