History and Principles of Infrastructures’ Physical Security

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2023.1.8


Physical security is an essential part of infrastructures’ security. and its importance is undoubtedly growing nowadays. In this article an overview of the term safety and security will be provided, and the basic principles of the physical security will be shown. Based on archaeological researches and relevant literatures, this paper introduces the town walls – one of the first protection tools – around the most ancient cities in an interesting way. Following this part, the physical protection in the 21st century will be described. Finally, principles will be presented that existed at ancient times and exist today. By showing the present and the past and highlighting the basic ideas with ancient examples, this article may be inspirational and supportive for the experts of the security and may be enjoyable for those who are interested in this field.


infrastructure physical security ancient times townwall


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Jogi források

évi CLXVI. törvény a létfontosságú rendszerek és létesítmények azonosításáról, kijelöléséről és védelméről

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