The Blast Effects Simulation Tools Within Force Protection Engineering and Critical Infrastructure Security

  • Maňas Pavel
  • Kroupa Lubomír


In modern asymmetric conflicts, force protection engineering mainly deals with protection against explosion cause by IED's and mitigation of blast effects. Protective measures are based on practical experience with blast effects on structures and personnel, or on modern methods such as simulations. Blast attacks to public structures present threats that must be taken seriously. Different methods can be used to assess and analyse possible effect of blast attack to construction. One of the options is numerical simulation. Simulations can be used to predict effects of explosion and can help to find out adequate protection measures. The aim of the article is to briefly present use software AUTODYN as a possible way can be use to predict effect of blast attack. Simulations in this fields are applicable nor in the military but in the critical infra-structure protection too.


Blast effects force protection simulation critical infrastructure