The Application Possibilities, Precepts and Methods of the non-Lethal Weapons by Using During the Safety Function of the Underground

  • Mátyás Dániel


Basically the task of the underground in Budapest is to make the public transport easier for the people. But the tunnel system has got a secondary role too. This role is the refuge and defensive function. With the help of this role the population is can be settled down into the underground. Primarily this function is used in war and catastrophe situation. In these situations law enforcement tasks can be occured. To execute these tasks, organization and planning is needed. From the viewpoint of law enforcement, wartime and catastrophe situations have to be separated, because they need other kind of reactions in protection. Non-lethal weapons can help to solve these problems, but the different kind of situations need different kind of solutions. It is worth to examine which kind of non-lethal weapons can be used in these situations.


underground refuge law enforcement non-lethal weapon