Modern Technical Devices (Tools) and Equipment of the NATO Member Countries VI.

  • Szabó Sándor
  • Kovács Zoltán
  • Tóth Rudolf


Engineer support is the most important part of the combat support and combat service support. It includes all special tasks and activities that have to be fulfilled during the preparation and execution of the combat missions and operations other than war as engineer pre-conditions for the success of the activities of the troops.
The goal of engineer support on the battlefield is to: maintain and enhance the ability of our own troops to survive; hinder the movement and activities of the enemy; participate in the military construction, environmental protection and in other activities eliminating the consequences of natural disasters by using the fielded or specially allocated engineer and other military equipment.
To the execution of the above tasks the engineer troops need modern mechanical-technical devices and equipment.
We would like to continue a longer series with our article, in which we intend to show shortly the most modern mechanical-technical devices, equipment established by NATO member states' engineer troops.
These modern devices and equipment help to realize the goals of engineer support.


Engineer Support Engineer Troops engineer (technical) equipment crossing bridge