New Military Field Applicability of the HESCO Bastion Concertainer

  • Szabó Sándor
  • Kovács Tibor
  • Kovács Zoltán


The “HESCO Bastion Concertainer” – as Hungarian called “HESCO-bástya” or “HESCO típusú gyorstelepítésű építőelem” is originated from Leeds, England in 1989.

Fundamentally it has been developed for the purposes of flood protection and erosion control, but military experts started to analyze its possibilities to use for Force Protection purposes. Since 1990 HESCO Bastion Ltd has been developing and manufacturing Concertainer units for the purposes of force protection, flood protection and erosion control.

Concertainer units have become the most popular means within the military for protecting personnel and facilities against secondary fragmentation, saving countless lives and mission critical assets. HESCO Concertainer can be installed in various configurations to provide effective and economical structures tailored to the specific threat and level of protection required. It is used extensively in the protection of personnel, vehicles, equipment – Force Protection – and facilities in military, peacekeeping, humanitarian and civilian operations. This type of structure provides good resistance to ballistic and fragmentation penetration. For increased physical security, barbed wire coils are often attached to the wall.

The article wishes to give a short overview about the new military field applicability of the HESCO Bastion Concertainer.


HESCO FORCE PROTECTION Engineer Support Fortification