The Background of Handling the Irregular Operational Conditions in Terms of Underground Railway Systems

doi: 10.32562/mkk.2019.2.3


The rescue operations regarding persons (passengers and staff) and the technical obstacle prevention differs from the normal railway systems, due to the extreme conditions of its infrastructure. The lack of space, the traction power supply, the limited possibilities for ventilation, the restricted visibility conditions, the underground layout are all the extreme conditions to be considered, upon planning the rescue operations upon a fatal/public technical malfunction, or mass catastrophe. The actuality of the article lays upon the fact, that there was not any article written in this matter by people who are actually working in these conditions. The aim is to present the additions to all the theoretical information that exists about the matter, from the pen of a practical user, who gained experience on the job itself. We will write about the specialities of the rescue in the subway system, and its execution.


underground railway rescue accident tunnel subway